Wednesday, March 2, 2011

So You're Talking 'Bout a Resolution*

New Year’s resolutions. I like them. No matter how many statistics people wave in my face about the number that are not kept, swept out of mind on Jan 2 like the dust I sometimes ever so casually sweep underneath my dishwasher, I still like the idea that at least once a year the majority of people take a step back in order to really have a look at their lives. I like it that people take a moment to think about changing things for the better. Call me old fashioned, naive or too romantic, I just can’t help thinking that this can’t be a bad thing.
This year, I’ve made some pretty big resolutions of my own. Some are private, so I won’t be sharing, but some are just plain awesome and I feel almost obligated to divulge, in case you want to join in on all the fun for yourself. So, without further ado, I reveal to you my most awesome resolution idea to date:
Watch All The Tom Cruise Movies Ever Made (™**)
There is only one word needed to describe this resolution: Winner. This is the perfect resolution. It has everything people try to achieve when making resolutions, all rolled into one. Let me break it down for you:
Self Improvement: Tom Cruise. Whatever you think of him, there’s no denying he’s been in quite a few of the classic modern films. And, just as reading the classics is considered to improve the mind, having a first hand knowledge of classic movies is increasingly considered valuable in many social circles. You know those friends you have who sit down once a week and have their own private ‘film festivals’, then casually (constantly) drop into conversation the names of all the films they’ve ever seen? By Watching All The Tom Cruise Movies Ever Made™, you’re actually doing the same thing, but you’re not being a wanker about it, you’re maybe just watching one(more on my personal views of Tom later).
When watching Tom’s movies, you will access a surprisingly wide cross section of Western film. You experience the work of great directors, view stunning performances by many other actors besides Tom and hear some of the best loved sound tracks of all time. Tom is not limited by genre or quality, he is not bound by style or substance. Tom is a man for all movies, and all movies is what we want to get a handle on.
Fun: The ultimate goal of this resolution is to watch thirty-six movies with one common variable in one year. Enough. Said.
Giving Back: How will Watching All The Tom Cruise Movies Ever Made™ help you to give back to the world in which we all live? With the best medicine ever prescribed: laughter. Before you know it you’ll be the funny guy/gal at the office, quoting Tom Cruise movies with hilarious timing, being all “You can’t handle the truth!” in your colleagues faces.
Also, I assume you’ll of course be watching all these movies in a legal way that you'll have to put out for financially…and some of the money made from your movie watching will eventually work its way back to Tom himself, a man many call a basket case in desperate need of help. Therefore in the eyes of those people, you’ll be a saint for pitching in, right?
For my conclusion, in case I haven’t convinced you enough, I want leave you with this video made by someone who goes simply by the name Tomsessed, a person with much more Tom Cruise experience than even I ever hope to have. May we all one day be this dedicated to a cause.

*I know it’s a fair way after New Year’s now, but I always feel like no one really kicks off the year in earnest until March, so it might be time to re-think the old annual goals anyway.
**One day when Watching All The Tom Cruise Movies Ever Made™ becomes a form of social therapy, I just want to be recognised as being a pioneer in the field…

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